There's something about the close of a year and the start of a new one that has made me go a bit crazy on cleaning. Not the cleaning that I need to do, mind you, like dust off all the blinds or wipe the baseboards or dust, etc. The kind of cleaning that makes me go to Target at 8 am on a Saturday morning, grab a Starbucks white chocolate mocha, carouse the house decor aisle, and then spend $75 on a variety of 30 gallon clear plastic storage bins (clear eliminates the need for labeling, naturally) that will solve my problems, eliminate the clutter that has been mocking me for the last year and a half, and set 2010 off in the right direction; a more methodical and Real Simple style of ruling my domain. (Speaking of clutter, I fortunately grabbed 60 gallons worth of storage paraphernalia to house the newly acquired Christmas decorations that I had to have this year.)
After cataloging my Christmas purchases, I attacked the front guest bedroom that has become a harbor for all things I didn't have time to deal with, such as half-completed art work for the nursery, a smorgasbord of fabric remnants, ribbon and wrapping supplies, a sewing machine, paper shredder, etc. Let me just say, two storage bins later, the bedroom looks organized, almost like it belonged in someone else's house. Exactly the point.
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