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Friday, March 19, 2010

Yet Another Reason to go to Target and Spend Money

Here's another reason to go to Target and spend my husband's I needed one!! I love Target for a myriad of reasons, I love the option of getting a white chocolate mocha to enhance my shopping experience (most times I don't get one, but I like to know I can); I love that it's similar to Wal-Mart in the selection but you don't have indignant workers to deal with; I love going through their home decor aisle, though it's not nearly long enough; I love the little sandals I bought Hilton for $14.99.

But I've never bought clothes there. I was always the girl who could compliment another girl's jacket and ask her where she got it from and she'd say Target, and then I would muse that I've never found anything cute there, then I would admit to myself it's because I've never really shopped through their clothes. This Monday was no different, I was just minding my own business walking by the women's department, and I saw this terrific little aviator jacket and I just had to have it. It came in off-white, black and brown; I thought the brown looked the best by far, but unfortunately they didn't have a medium. I decided it wasn't meant to be, and left the store. Two days later, however, I was in there again and would you believe they had my size?! Well that, my friend, is just destiny! For $29.99 my wardrobe was a new wave of trendy!

I looked for a link online, because I believe in sharing great finds, but I guess these are only in stores. Good luck!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Before and After on Accessories

There's a reason men are from Venus and women are from Mars. Or, wait, scratch that and flip it. The cliche killer strikes again, signed Yours Truly.
Anyways, the point is that I had initially hung this painting over my couch, off centered of course. My dear husband asked me daily if I was aware I hadn't "gotten it right." I told him I knew it was off center, but I was in search of the perfect oval baskets to put to the side of the picture and not to worry. He shrugged and sighed and asked me what that was going to cost him. :)
I never did find the perfect oval baskets. But I did find these really cool glass bowls that I could fill up with fake fruit from Target.

There were four problems with this arrangement, however. 1) When men would sit on the couch, only men for some reason, they'd really sink into it, and bang their head on the glass. 2) My husband was now certain that I was crazy. 3) It would only be a matter of time before my little toddler could climb up on the couch and do goodness knows what with this glass fixture. 4) Given the amount of color already in the room (not depicted from this shot) it was hard for the eyes to have something to "settle on." It was just a little to busy.

So, I took to the streets again to find these baskets. Unfortunately, they were gray and so I had to buy some spray paint and make them the brown they should have been. They weren't oval, but they were close enough and Lisa-approved.