I will start off by saying baby bedding is something you only make for someone you really love. And so far only my little niece, Kate Hinderberger, qualifies. My sister saw some bedding she loved, ironically called Kate's Collection, on Serena&Lilly.com (http://www.serenaandlily.com/Bedding/Bedding-Nursery-Kate). We decided to duplicate it for less than half the cost that it retailed for, and I must say I think I like our version better!
I did not take step by step photos, because it was just too involved, but I will include the photos I did take.
First, what we were trying to replicate, which retails for $389...

Now here's what I created. I sewed everything but the crib sheet. I even had to make the pink cording for the bumper pad, so all the pinks would match. It was all very tedious but so worth it in the end!